I am a Senior Program Manager in Dallas, Texas for a large yachting-related company that connects employers with potential employees. I'm in charge of design and development of a new hiring and management platform. My team consists of a dozen software designers and developers based halfway around the world. Because of my unique job description, I'm able to work from home on a daily basis, far away from the headquarters of the company in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 


I've been a Syntrax Ambassador for the past 10 months. It has been a wonderful, memorable experience. Fitness has been a large part of my life for more than 25 years. Needless to say, my exposure to the industry is vast. I've seen the industry from all angles: as a competitor, a judge, as an employee of nutritional companies, a project manager of convention space, an organizer of competition, and a model in advertisements. This is why my affiliation with Syntrax is a personal one, and certainly not by necessity. My choice to be a Syntrax ambassador has always been by choice. 


My choice to be with Syntrax is an important one. I'm quite picky when it comes to selection. Since I rarely use supplements in the first place, the supplements I do use have to be of incredible quality and flavor. Otherwise, I'd rather go without. Syntrax has been around for as long as I can remember, and that's proof they've withstood the test of time. I love a company that is, like me, aging well in a rapidly changing marketplace. 


My favorite protein product lines from Syntrax are Matrix and Nectar. The Nectar Cookies & Cream and Matrix Peanut Butter particularly stand out. You simply cannot beat the flavor, the quality, and the mixability of these 2 products. Without Syntrax, we might still be dealing with powders that mix like chalk, and taste like cement. When I started working out in the '90's, I withstood entire jugs of absolutely horrific-tasting-protein, in an effort to gain size. I'm happy to report that these days, those are distant, distant memories with the help of Syntrax. In fact, I dare say that the Syntrax Nectar line is the protein line that helped move the entire protein supplement industry forward.

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